On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 18:42, Sviatoslav Sviridov wrote:
> And other thing I want to discuss: now rsync designed as standalone program,
> but it will be good if library with protocol implementation created, and build
> rsync program based on this library.

Hmmm, sounds like http://librsync.sourceforge.net/.

The current rsync implementation is tightly coupled and difficult to
split out. There have been various attempts to do this by starting from
scratch. librsync is probably the most advanced rsync algorithm
implementation, and there have been various experiments with alternative
protocols. Someone even announced a perl implementation that is rsync
compatible (impressive)!

However, librsync lags behind rsync in various ways... the most
important of which is active development.

ABO: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more info, including pgp key

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