On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 02:57, Max Bowsher wrote:
> bob parker wrote:
> > I must be doing something wrong with this, but I am trying to correct
> > a downloaded iso which does not match the source md5sum.
> >
> > This is what I do:
> >
> > rsync
> > rsync://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/knoppix/KNOPPIX_V3.1-2003-01-20-EN.iso
> > KNOPPIX_V3.1-2003-01-20-EN.iso
> >
> > The command returns in a few seconds without any error message and
> > nothing has changed with the md5sum on my copy.
> Try using -vv for details on what's happening.
> Max.

Ok, here it is.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/archive/knoppix$ rsync -vv 
opening tcp connection to ftp.gwdg.de port 873
KNOPPIX_V3.1-2003-01-20-EN.iso is uptodate
wrote 102 bytes  read 85 bytes  41.56 bytes/sec
total size is 732921856  speedup is 3919368.21

And the md5sum check

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/archive/knoppix$ md5sum -c KNOPPIX_V3.1-2003-01-20-EN.iso.md5
md5sum: MD5 check failed for 'KNOPPIX_V3.1-2003-01-20-EN.iso'

I downloaded the md5sum again just to be sure but it still fails.


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