The network traffic in this case is the blocksums and file
block copy instructions.  This is the same traffic that you
would get if you updated the timestamps.

Hmmm. Here is the stats output at the end of one of these all-permissions-have-changed rsync sessions:
(this indicates to me that rsync used no local data and sent everything over the wire)
Number of files: 40817
Number of files transferred: 37757
Total file size: 4031988583 bytes
Total transferred file size: 4031988573 bytes
Literal data: 4031988573 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 1263669
Total bytes written: 604198
Total bytes read: 4035210974

        wrote 604198 bytes  read 4035210974 bytes  347331.23 bytes/sec
        total size is 4031988583  speedup is 1.00

Also, here is the rsync command that dirvish invoked:
(perhaps interesting is the whole-file option?)
ACTION: rsync -v --stats -a -H --delete --delete-excluded --numeric-ids --exclude-from - -W --link-dest /usr/local/data/bac
kups-dirvish/pcdirs-home/20030310-12:55/tree localhost:/usr/local/data/pc-homedirs/home/ /usr/local/data/backups-dirvish/pc
dirs-home/20030314-19:50/tree | sed -e '/\/$/d' -e '/ [-=]> /d' >> /usr/local/data/backups-dirvish/pcdirs-home/20030314-19:

Finally, here is an indication that the 20030310 and 20030314 backups were similar:
bash-2.05b# du -s 2003031[04]*
3967478 20030310-12:55
4083962 20030314-19:50

(diff on the first 10,000 filenames showed only 4 changes)

Is this what you expected to see and what you meant by "the same traffic that you would get if you updated the timestamps"? I honestly don't know what is expected if the timestamps update, though I vaguely remember lots of CPU (calc checksums) but not nearly as much network traffic as this when daylight savings kicked in & the FAT timestamps got confused.

Thanks again,

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