On Sat, Jun 07, 2003 at 05:36:03PM -0500, Trey Nolen wrote:
> Hmm....This backup server is handling backup jobs from about a dozen other
> machines -- all but three are Linux. The other three are Windows 2000
> servers running Cygwin.  Two of those are not working (giving the error).
> The backup machine has other duties, too, and has not had any issues. The
> uptime is great, and the performance has been fine.

OK.  Now we get a fuller picture.  All i knew before was you
had one Linux box and three W2K cygwin boxes.  That means we
have 2/3 of cygwin boxes having the problem but not the
Linux boxes.

> One other thing that might be important:  This error happens *JUST* after
> building the file list. It is like the transfer doesn't work at all. It
> errors immediately as the transfer starts.
> Trey Nolen
> >> The error is this:
> >>
> >> Invalid file index <some number> (count=<some number>)

Rsync uses the index number of the file list array to
identify files.  This message is comes from the sender.  The
first number is the file number that was requested by the
receiver, the second is the total number of files in the
index.  For the sender to get a request for a file number
not in the list indicates serious corruption somewhere.

My next step would be to examine the binaries on cygwin,
rsync and ssh.  Try checksumming them for a difference
between the badly behaving machines and the still OK one.  
I'd then consider that the cygwin binaries might have been 
built incorrectly.  After that, i don't know, perhaps
creeping corruption on the two machines?

> >> rsync error: protocol incompatibility (code 2) at sender.c (135)
> >>
> > That error indicates something is seriously wrong at the
> > communications level.  Given an ssh over TCP connection i'd
> > rule out the network layer.  That leaves internal data
> > corruption.  I'd start by questioning the integrety of the
> > common point of failure--the backup server.  Check the logs
> > for errors, run memtest, etc.

        J.W. Schultz            Pegasystems Technologies
        email address:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                Remember Cernan and Schmitt
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