> On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 04:16:38PM -0400, Brian K. White wrote:
> > ...
> > 2.5.6 (protocol 26) from cvs on SCO Open Server 5.0.6
> > both machines are the same version of OS and the same copy of rsync.
> > ...
> > file on LIVE is 0 bytes
> > file on BACKUP is 2 gigs
> >
> > on BACKUP you run:
> >   rsync -az --delete LIVE:/u/appl /u
> >
> > causes all files in the list before the 2gig file to update, nothing
> >
> Does SCO support files over 2GB in size?
> -- 
> Tomasz M. Ciolek


Brian K. White  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --  http://www.aljex.com/bkw/
filePro BBx  Linux SCO  Prosper/FACTS AutoCAD  #callahans Satriani

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