Hi there,
I have been asked to develop a system for keeping
a bunch of machines remotely configured and updated.
The client has asked for this to be implemented using rsync.

The machines involved are located at remote sites and
physical access by competent personel is non trivial.
And the systems are running Debian.

I am a little concerned at the prospect of using rsync to
replace running binaries, open files and system libraries.
I've searched for an example where rsync has been used in this way.

So far I have found nothing; people use it to backup a live
filesystem; we are tasked with doing the reverse (sort of).
And there are people who use rsync to replicate systems (rolling out
a bunch of identical boxes; typically these recieve the rsync
*before* they go live not after).

So, can anyone please give me arguments or reasons for
or against using rsync in this way? References to sites
which currently use rsync in this way would be much appreciated.


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