Hi list,

I am still having troubles with rsync, as on large areas in our setup, it
keeps dying unexpectedly. See my previous post two days ago for the
initial tries. I realize it is a somewhat broad question, but how do I
troubleshoot these disconnects?

Im no great programmer, although we have a few good c programmers around,
and if needed I can ask for their help.

But for now, my thinking is, this may not be a rsync prob perse, but
something else is unexpectedly closing the connection rsync is using. But
there are no firewalls, harddisk space is plenty, and the SCO boxes its
running on do not ussualy break connections to it. We have had CPIO copies
for well over 4 hours straight going well.

I am however quite lost on how to proceed this issue, short of falling
back to CPIO backupping of the complete areas, which takes bloody long,
hence our interest in rsync.

I can sum up all things I tried:
- using --compress or not, makes no difference
- Using read only = yes or no, makes no difference
- setting a timeout=600 in rsyncd.conf, no difference
- Using --verbose --verbose last night gave me a slight new error:
2003/10/15 17:03:40 [2575] rsync on user2 from eurux03 (
2003/10/15 17:24:17 [2575] rsync error: timeout in data send/receive (code
30) at io.c(103)

this is from rsyncd.log, the client console displays the same. The syslog
does not display any rsync related messages (it works thou, if my .conf is
wrong, the complaints end up there)

If there is any info I could, but did not provide, please correct me. I
did read the archives, for as much as I understand it, (Im no coder, just
a sysadmin) and I did RTFM and STFW.

Any help or hints would be greatly appreciated.

Richard van Beers
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