I've encountered a similar situation, and tracked it down.  It seems that
if the shell for your user is set to bash2 versions 2.0 -> 2.05.0, it
causes your IP to appear as .  However, this has been fixed in
2.05b.0, and also works as normal in every other shell I've tested (zsh,
csh, bash v1.x, ash).  When I use SSH keys, I use a forced command, with a
from address, but I also use the rsync hosts allow/deny so that the keys
can be used to access some shares from some machines, and some from
others.  the 2.05b version can be found at
http://www.gnu.org/directory/GNU/bash.html .  Hope that helps.

> On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 04:31:53PM -0800, AI Connex wrote:
>> I use rsync to mirror several servers.
>> I run RH7.3
>> My rsyncd.conf file is:
>> motd file = /etc/rsync.d/rsync.motd
>> log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
>> pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid
>> lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
>> hosts allow =
>> hosts deny =
>> use chroot = yes
>> max connections = 3
>> #syslog facility =
>> [website]
>>    path = /var/www/website
>>    comment = Connex Live WWW Server
>>    uid = nobody
>>    gid = nobody
>>    read only = no
>>    list = yes
>>    auth users = someone,root
>>    secrets file = /etc/rsync.d/rsync.secrets
>> I use the --rsh=ssh option to use a ssh protocol
>> A typical script contains:
>> #!/bin/ash
>> PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
>> ### Setting user
>> USER=root
>> echo Synchronizing Website
>> #echo
>> rsync --rsh=ssh \
>>  --password-file=/root/.rsyncpwd  \
>>  --compress --recursive --times --perms --links --owner --group \
>>  --include "web_order*" --include "web_user.*" --include
>> "web_user_c*" --include "web_user_h*" \
>>  --include "web_user_l*" --include "web_org*" --include "web_in*"
>> --include
>> "web_quote*" \
>>  --include "quick_connect.*" \
>>  --exclude "*" \
>> /var/www/website
>> Everything worked perfectly.
>> I am now getting the error
>> @ERROR: access denied to server.domain.com from unknown (
> The question is, what changed?
>> If I changed the script so I do not use a ssh shell, everything works
>> fine.
>> I have hunted the web for a solution, but no joy.
>> Please advise how I correct the problem.
> As near as i can tell it never should have worked because
> a local connection, via ssh, would never be allowed access with "hosts
> allow" clause unless perhaps one of the hosts listed were
> I've attached an UNTESTED patch (against CVS HEAD but should
> be applicable to some older versions) that disables hosts
> [allow|deny] for rsync over ssh so that the same config file
> may be used for both ssh and direct socket connections.
> --
> ________________________________________________________________
>       J.W. Schultz            Pegasystems Technologies
>       email address:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>               Remember Cernan and Schmitt
> --
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