On 10 Mar 2004, at 13:57, Kevin Alexander Boyd wrote:
For --eahfs, what needs to be implemented is catching extra data on
non-HFS+ filesystems, say storing them in a standard Apple alien FS
format. If you change the file (encode split, etc), you are altering the
source folders, which is not desirable. You could encode the files and
trick rsync into using applesingle files, but that would incur a space and
encode time penalty. You could encode (or split) files into appledouble
format, which would incur less of a time and space penalty, but would
still require additional space on the source machine.

Taking radmind as an example of a tool that understands HFS+ on Mac OS X and stores files in a portable format on non-Mac OS X machines, it's certainly possible to do this encoding "on the fly". It ought to be possible to do the same with rsync. In the best case scenario, if the receiving rsync was on Mac OS X, it would recognize the portable data and translate it back into Mac OS X-specific format.

I'd be happy to work on this myself, since I already have very similar code, if there was some possibility that the rsync maintainers would be willing to accept the modifications. Otherwise, it seems like a waste of effort.


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