Dear Mr.Tim,

Options used in rsync command in our system:
rsync --verbose --recursive --update --delete
--group --owner --times --perm

Eventhough i am using "-owner" option while synching to the mate system.
The owner ship from the  System A is not restored in the System B.
( System B is destination ).

Why the ownership of System A is not restored in System B ?

( eg. )      file in system A :    rwxr--r--  lakshmi  comp     a.c
                 file in system B:
                 becomes,                  rwxr--r--  nobody   nobody  a.c

Is there any option to restore the permission ?



> Glad you've got it going.  Performance depends on the particular version
> of rsync, options used, network, dasd, dasd interface (nfs, samba, direct
> (SCSI (version), IDE, FC)), Operating systems, memory, processors, other
> load, network traffic....
> I actually get pretty cruddy results with rsync in my application, which
> involves mirroring a NAS device containing roughly 2M files in 102Mb, over
> a wan, using solaris to run rsync, forced, by a flaw in the NAS nfs unlink
> implementation which reorders unlinks, to use NFS2, which exposes the
> solaris mtime bug.  If I try to do it all, it takes about 2 days to grow
> to around 3Gb in memory, then crashes (there's plenty left over), so i
> can't do the whole thing in one swipe, which means hard links are not
> propogated, and deletions can be orphaned by the list generator (the
> script i use to break the jobs into chunks rsync can handle).
> People running against directly-attached dasd, or fast DFS, and doing
> reasonable-sized jobs, get really good speeds, and great efficiency.
>  I've had to write my own replacement, which is about to go into
> production, but I still love rsync.  Within its limitations, it's a
> superior tool.
> Tim Conway
> 303.682.4917
> Philips Semiconductor - Longmont TC
> 1880 Industrial Circle, Suite D
> Longmont, CO 80501
> Available via SameTime Connect within Philips, n9hmg on AIM
> perl -e 'print pack(nnnnnnnnnnnn,
> 19061,29556,8289,28271,29800,25970,8304,25970,27680,26721,25451,25970),
> ".\n" '
> "There are some who call me.... Tim?"
> Lakshminarayanan Radhakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 02/05/2002 08:57 AM
>         To:     Tim Conway/LMT/SC/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         cc:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         Subject:        Re: Doubt in Rsync !!
>         Classification:
> Dear Mr.Tim,
> Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions.
> Now I am able to mirror the set  of files from one system to  another
> system which are on the net.
> Yesterday, I calculated it is mirroring  188MB file in 63 sec from one side to 
> another side.
> Good performance.  Is anywhere  the performance  about rsync is mentioned
> in terms of  file size / time.
> I am going to use this rsync command in script continously to mirror the
> two systems always.
> Once again thanks,
>   regards,
>   laks
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I just played back your mail in my head, and realized that you mentioned
> the rsync server.  I read your command, from which it was plain that you
> were NOT trying to contact a rsync server, and gave instructions based on
> that.  In case you were trying to contact a rsync server (rsyncd), I
> suggest you read the man pages for both rsync and rsyncd.conf.  the rsync
> manpage explains how to invoke rsync to have it be a server, and the
> rsyncd.conf manpage explains how to set up the required configuration
> file.  The rsync manpage also explains how to invoke rsync to CALL a
> server (as opposed to starting a temporary process via an external
> transport to act as your remote server, as your commandline showed).
> Direct consultation of the documentation which Tridge, Martin, Dave, and
> everybody else has put so much work into, can cover the broad
> possibilities with much less latency than an email list.
> Tim Conway
> 303.682.4917
> Philips Semiconductor - Longmont TC
> 1880 Industrial Circle, Suite D
> Longmont, CO 80501
> Available via SameTime Connect within Philips, n9hmg on AIM
> perl -e 'print pack(nnnnnnnnnnnn,
> 19061,29556,8289,28271,29800,25970,8304,25970,27680,26721,25451,25970),
> ".\n" '
> "There are some who call me.... Tim?"
> Tim Conway
> 02/04/2002 08:33 AM
>         To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         cc:     Lakshminarayanan Radhakrishnan
>         Subject:        Re: Doubt in Rsync !!
>         Classification: Unclassified
> Ok:  You're using an external transport (rsh, unless you've defined
> RSYNC_RSH as something else(probably ssh)).  First thing to check is
> whether you can rsh to destinationmachine.  See what happens if you do
> "rsh destinationmachine uname -a".  Does this report back the information
> for destinationmachine, or does it give you "Permission denied".  If so,
> get rsh working.  From your error, I'm certain this is the problem, as if
> it were a permission problem on a file or directory,  you'd get an error
> more like this
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> /site/local/share/ToolSync/newsync>rsync newsync.log.2 atlas:/kernel
> mkstemp .newsync.log.2.GYaiMq failed
> rsync error: partial transfer (code 23) at main.c(537)
> /site/local/share/ToolSync/newsync>
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> --
> -----------------R.Lakshminarayanan
> -----------------Axes Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.,
> -----------------Chennai - 600 034.
> -----------------Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED], Phone: 8253323

-----------------Axes Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.,
-----------------Chennai - 600 034.
-----------------Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED], Phone: 044 - 28253323

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