Since this keeps coming up, how difficult would it be to add an option
to use a memory mapped file for the file list as temporary storage?

(I don't think that will work on Windows, because (at least in Java) the
whole file gets loaded in at once.)


On Fri, 2004-05-28 at 14:44, Wayne Davison wrote:
> On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 02:01:12PM -0400, King, Daniel wrote:
> > We've gone where no man has gone before.  On HP-UX, rsync bombs at about
> > 1.75 million directories, files and links (combined sum) in a single
> > transfer.
> Are you using 2.6.2?  It is more memory efficient than older versions,
> so it should handle more files before overflowing memory.
> ..wayne..

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