John wrote:

Possibly rsync can use ssh to forward a local port chosen the same way ftp
chooses a port fo active ftp. Then local rsync opens a connexion to at the local end, and ssh forwards the stream to rsync running
as a daemon (on another randomly-chosen port? a user-specified port?) a the

Bear in mind that this way you'll be encrypting the entire session instead of just the "Please start rsyncd for me" bit, so you'll likely suffer a speed hit depending on how powerful the two machines are.

John also wrote...

> I keep getting timeouts transferring between two ADSL accounts
> and I've not decide whether to blame Arachnet (the ISP at both ends)
> or rsync or even to suppose I'm expecting too much.

As an aisde, I've had a problem similar to the one you describe with an unrelated service. Turns out the NAT table was dropping entries that went unused for 5 minutes, which meant the firewall started blocking return traffic as it appeared to be unrelated to any outgoing connection. I don't know if this would ever be an issue with rsync but it might be worth a look.

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