
I'm having problems with rsync hanging on Cygwin. I read some archives
of the list about this, but if I understood it correctly this problem
had been solved? Mine prevails though.

I'm running rsync 2.6.2 at both ends, Cygwin's version on the Windows
end and backports.org's version on the other, Debian Woody, end.

The one on the Cygwin end is running as a daemon, --daemon and

On the Debian end I say rsync --verbose --recursive --links --perms

When it hangs the processes are still alive and just sit there.

I'm toying with the idea that the reason for all this is that the file
that it hangs on is open. If so, would this be what would happen?

If I supply a --timeout=10, it will break after 10 seconds and go on to
the next module. This is however bad for a number of reasons. I'm
thinking it might have been better if it just hade gone on to the next
file rather than module. Thoughts?

Does anyone have an idea as to what the problem is and/or how I can
resolve it?

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