According to the manpage and other docs, it also possible to use ssh to connect to a daemon using "::". However, you must use the --rsh="ssh ..." option instead of the -e.

"o for copying from the local machine to a remote machine using a remote shell program as the transport, using rsync server on the remote machine. This is invoked when the destination path contains a :: separator and the --rsh=COMMAND option is also provided.

That's an ssh problem, not rsync.
try "ssh xx.yy.zz".
That said, ssh is irrelevant to what you're trying to do.
you are going to a module on an rsync daemon, not a directory through a remote shell transport connection.
:: is an rsync-protocol TCP connection to port 873, not an ssh-protocol TCP connection to port 22.

Pick one. Either "rsync -aurvlpogt kk.txt XXX.YYY.ZZZ::pruebas1", or "
rsync -aurvlpogt -e ssh kk.txt XXX.YYY.ZZZ:/path/to/pruebas1". For the latter, you'll have to get ssh working between the two systems.


Contagious Design!
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Brian Rose .  programmer
Stacey Rose . designer
(604)-588-8827 . b_roseATshawDOTca

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