I hope this problem hasn't been posted before, I cannot find a way to search the archives... I use rsync successfully between several Suse 9.1 machines at my work - never with any problem(s). I had to move my email from an obscure mail client (that saves each message as a separate file) to Mozilla mail (for security purposes). So, my "old" program that I used to sync my mail folders between home/work/laptop will still work, but Mozilla mail and Outlook (the only two choices) both store concatenated mail messages in huge files (I have several "folder" that are almost 1 GB). So me thinks, rsync to the resue! However, the cygwin version appears to choke on files with spaces in the name(s) (I think). I map to a shared drive, then try and run rsync between the mail directories of each machine. The first several mailboxes (i.e. single files) work fine, until it gets to my General Admin file (called General Admin and General Admin.msf - which is the index file). Then, rsync chokes with the following message:

calling match_sums ccs.nrl.navy.mil/General Admin.msf
ccs.nrl.navy.mil/General Admin.msf
rsync error: received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT (code 20) at /home/lapo/packaging/tmp/rsync-2.6.3/rsync.c(231)
_exit_cleanup(code=20, file=/home/lapo/packaging/tmp/rsync-2.6.3/rsync.c, line=231): about to call exit(20)
rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 106 bytes: phase "unknown" [generator]: Connection reset by peer (104)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /home/lapo/packaging/tmp/rsync-2.6.3/io.c(909)
_exit_cleanup(code=12, file=/home/lapo/packaging/tmp/rsync-2.6.3/io.c, line=909): about to call exit(12)

Almost all of my work directories have files with long names and spaces and it never does this on Linux? Are there any switches/precautions peculiar to the cygwin version?

In another vein, has anyone created a COM or .NET assembly from the rsync algorithm? I have only done a tiny bit of programming in C, but can program effectively in VB... Seems like a straightforward project if the algorithm is available?

Thanks for any help.


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