If I specify this option on a 2.6.3 server config, will it still be effective even if the clients are 2.6.0 (or possibly 2.5.6, I'm still pestering them to upgrade)


Wayne Davison wrote:
On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 12:35:21PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a way to let rsync server to have the ability to control if
it wants to log those directory changes or not, like "transfer
logging" does for files?

Add this line to your rsyncd.conf (in either the global-settings section
or an individual module):

max verbosity = 0

(That setting is present in 2.6.3, but not documented.)  That will keep
the verbose flag from getting set on the server even when the user
chooses to specify -v for themselves.  As long as the user isn't sending
files to the server, they shouldn't notice a difference in the output.
When files are being sent to the server, that setting will prevent the
generator from outputting about new directories and symlinks in 2.6.3
(but 2.6.4 will handle this properly).


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