chris allen wrote:

I have a main server that I want to backup to my backup server. I don't know on witch side that I need to make a key on

the code is bellow is what I am using

rsync -e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/rsync-key" -avHRrz --numeric-ids --progress --stats --delete --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/tmp/* --exclude=/lost+found/* / [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/backup/luke is the backup server is the main server

Can someone tell me on what side needs what to make this work.

rsync works fine except it keeps asking for a password.

A tiny bit of trivia for you. Ssh's key authentication will not work if either the "authorized_keys" file, or the .ssh directory it's in, are world readable or executable. I also think they have to be owned by the user doing the authentication.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
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