On Thu 28 Apr 2005, Wayne Davison wrote:
> As for accepting --min-size, I'm considering it.  It would be nice to
> have a more general solution to the problem of limiting the transfer
> based on a file's attributes (rather than a profusion of rsync options),
> but that doesn't seem to be on the horizon at the moment.

I'm thinking that the best way might be to integrate part of find's
code, and to implement a --limit-find="list of find options" way, e.g.
rsync -av --limit-find="-size -10000 -mtime +10 -user pete" src dest
That way we don't have to describe all the possible find options, we
simply refer to the find(1) manpage :-)   I don't know how easily find's
source code can be extracted and used in this way... Especially
important for keeping up with changes in find...

Paul Slootman
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