On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 05:06:24PM +1000, dtra wrote:
> does running the daemon with nice affect the receiving server?
> cos that's where the main problems lie

Obviously, using nice on the daemon affects just the daemon (if you're
using a daemon -- you still didn't say for sure).  So, I have no idea
whether this affects the receiving server because you didn't specify
enough information to tell us what exactly you're trying to do (and I'm
sorry, but I'm tired of guessing at the moment).

Other CPU-related items:

Using ssh for a transfer increases the CPU load quite a bit, especially
for slower processors.  If you don't need it, you may want to either
work out a configuration that doesn't use it, or configure ssh to use a
faster encryption algorithm, such as blowfish.

Also, keep in mind that the rsync algorithm trades CPU for decreased
network use, and if you're transferring over a fast network, you should
try using the --whole-file option instead.

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