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From: Noogie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jul 28, 2005 10:23 PM
Subject: rsync and old novel server
To: rsync@lists.samba.org

I've set-uped a Linux server in a small office, around 10 users, there is an old novel server, running version 3.12. My task was to establish an alternative for the old server, for the case It suddenly didn't feel like working anymore (you see, it's a Pentium Pro 200, it outlived itself at least a few times over).
So basically, everybody have access to it using IPX ( it's that old!) and mount volumes under windows, so I set-up Samba on the Linux machine, made sure everybody can see it, and access it, launch their applications and there were no language problems.
In order to make it a live backup of the old server I turned to rsync, but then I ran into a problem, the Novel is too old it doesn't support rsync, that was a real bummer. Somebody hinted me I could use it locally if I mounted the old server's volumes, which I did, but than I noticed rsync wasn't as glorious as promised. Because there was no server-side support of the protocol it has to copy each and every file, meaning It transfers 17 GB of information every time, I don't have to remind you this is extremely time consuming, so we scheduled it for the evening, just before the nightly backup. Bottom line, should something happen to it during the day, the new one won't contain more than the contents of a daily backup-tape, my goal was to make it sync every hour.
Can any one help me come up with creative ideas? :)

Ich spreche Deutsch Nicht.

Ich spreche Nicht Deutsch.
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