In my first post I explained how I did a full direct clone to another HD using asr and was trying to use rsync for a differential update of the clone but was getting an error I didn't understand the reason for. I thought maybe I misunderstood the H option so I took it out, but still got the following error (on the second differential update, never the first):

rsync: rename "/Volumes/LaCie_Disk_B/System/Library/CoreServices/.BootX.ItPCZ0" -> "System/Library/CoreServices/BootX": Operation not permitted (1) rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /SourceCache/rsync/rsync-20/rsync/main.c(717)

Then I added an excludes file and after adding /System/Library/CoreServices/* to the excludes file the error went away. Now my excludes file contains:


and I run rsync with (first 4 lines echos):

SOURCE: /Volumes/Mirrored_HD_Set/
DESTINATION: /Volumes/LaCie_Disk_B
EXCLUDES FILE: /Users/Chinook/ShellScripts/diffcloneEXCLUDES
rsync STDOUT: /Users/Chinook/Desktop/DiffCloneStdout_20050820_015129

sudo rsync -axEuvv --delete --exclude-from=$EXCLUDES $SOURCEREF $DESTVOL_MP > $DCSTDOUT

Even though the error went away, I don't understand why it did not originally appear until the second differential update with rsync and I'm not sure if I'm disrupting the consistency of the clone with any of the excludes I now have. I can boot to the clone, but I'm unsure yet of doing the ultimate test in restoring the clone to my working volume.

Would someone with a more intimate knowledge of the file system and rsync please fill me in a little more on why I was getting the error from rsync and if (given my rsync excludes list) now the clone should be safe to restore without introducing problems? I know the original full direct clone is safe before using rsync.

Thank you,
Lee C
Dual 2.5 PM G5 OS X 10.4.2
rsync on Tiger is version 2.6.3  protocol version 28
And yes I've read the man pages numerous times and searched the web (especially ADC) looking for clarification.
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