Lee Cullens wrote:

Patrick M McNeal wrote:

That sounds like some weirdness introduced by the MacOS patches.  You
should probably look for someone that is responsible for the MacOS
customizations and ask them about this error.

If you are using the rsync binary supplied with 10.4, you should submit a bug to Apple via http://bugreport.apple.com. If you are using rsyncX, you should contact the developer at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've been pushing Apple to work with the mainline rsync developers to get their changes incorporated, but from what I can tell they've not done anything or are not interested.

Thank you for that very helpful info Patrick,

The bug report is submitted.
Being up in years, though, I may never see it resolved :-)

Lee C


I also added the following to the bug report

Running rsync locally (at least) with the following command line:

sudo rsync -axEHuvv --delete --inplace --exclude-from=/Users/Chinook/ShellScripts/diffcloneEXCLUDES /Volumes/Mirrored_HD_Set/ /Volumes/LaCie_Disk_B

In addition to the other problems I've noted, Apple's rsync (2.6.3 protocol version 28) also changes more than a few permissions in ./Library/Application Support/ ./Library/Fonts/ ./Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ ./Library/Scripts/ and ./System/Library/ (from -rw-rw-r-- to -r--------). Be warned to run Disk Utility repair permissions on target immediately afterwards.

Snippet from lengthy DU permissions repair output:

Permissions differ on ./Library/Application Support/Apple/Automator/Workflows/Applications/._Process Images.workflow, should be -rwxrwxr-x , they are -r-------- Owner and group corrected on ./Library/Application Support/Apple/Automator/Workflows/Applications/._Process Images.workflow Permissions corrected on ./Library/Application Support/Apple/Automator/Workflows/Applications/._Process Images.workflow

Lee C
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