On Mon 29 Aug 2005, Zhang, Shu wrote:
> The version of the rsync 
> rsync  version 2.5.2  protocol version 26
> Copyright (C) 1996-2002 by Andrew Tridgell and others

That's pretty ancient, that was released 26 Jan 2002.

> Error message we are getting
> ------- RSYNC FAILURE -----
> RSYNC Error Code: 5888
> RSYNC Failed: file1, file2, file3, file4, file5 Mon 8/29/2005 0:0:11

This doesn't look like a typical rsync error message, it would seem that
perhaps some script or so is being used to call rsync, and it's
processing the real rsync output into this form?

Please give the actual command used to run rsync when it gives this
message. Also give details about the runtime environment (operating
system, version of such, etc.). And please consider upgrading to the
latest version available (2.6.6), there have been many bugs fixed in
the meantime.

Paul Slootman
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