Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Here are some of what hasn't worked in an EXCLUDE file.
> + /.kde3.5/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml
> /.kde3.5/
> + .kde3.5/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml
> /.kde3.5**
> + .kde3.5/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml
> .kde3.5/
> There are a number of other combos I've tried but still not getting
> the results I want.  
> The coverage in `man rsync' seems too general to get a working example
> of doing this.

That last bit about the manual being too general was wrong.  It does
include an example that let me find the solution but first one more 
failure should be listed.  This fails:
  + /.kde3.5/share/
  + /.kde3.5/share/apps/
  + /.kde3.5/share/apps/konqueror/
  + /.kde3.5/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml
  - /.kde3.5/*

However using a double asterisk makes it all work:

  + /.kde3.5/share/
  + /.kde3.5/share/apps/
  + /.kde3.5/share/apps/konqueror/
  + /.kde3.5/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml
  - /.kde3.5/*

Moves only the bookmarks file

Still it seems there would be a more succinct way...

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