Linus Hicks wrote:
Wayne Davison wrote:
On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 02:07:14PM -0500, Linus Hicks wrote:
I do not understand the exceeding long times shown in the last two

Since the user/sys CPU time didn't also mushroom, I would suggest that
you check to see if your system ran out of free memory and started to
thrash as memory was swapped out to disk.

This is certainly not true for the source machine. It typically has 70gb free (it's still running a 32-bit Oracle database server). The destination machine started out with about 2.8gb free. I will run it again and watch what happens to memory.

So I decided to look up how much memory is used by rsync, and now I'm confused. In the FAQ it says this:

out of memory

The usual reason for "out of memory" when running rsync is that you are transferring a _very_ large number of files. The size of the files doesn't matter, only the total number of files.

I'm transferring one file, which is obvious from my command line. Is the FAQ incorrect?

Watching the machines for nearly an hour and a half, neither one got into memory contention. The source machine never went below 72gb free and the destination never went below about 2.3gb free. I killed the rsync, deleted the destination file and ran rsync again. Results below.

oracle> timex rsync -ptgo --stats --rsh=/bin/rsh --inplace -B 8192 sun001:/hs01/oradata/prod1/temp01.dbf $(pwd)/
^Crsync error: received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT (code 20) at rsync.c(231)
rsync error: received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT (code 20) at rsync.c(231)

real  1:26:48.71
user       55.66
sys        58.32

oracle> ls -l
total 8365424
-rw-r--r--   1 oracle   dba      4280991744 Mar  3 10:30 temp01.dbf
oracle> rm temp01.dbf
oracle> timex rsync -ptgo --stats --rsh=/bin/rsh --inplace -B 8192 sun001:/hs01/oradata/prod1/temp01.dbf $(pwd)/

Number of files: 1
Number of files transferred: 1
Total file size: 4280991744 bytes
Total transferred file size: 4280991744 bytes
Literal data: 4280991744 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 72
Total bytes sent: 36
Total bytes received: 4281514456

sent 36 bytes  received 4281514456 bytes  9945445.97 bytes/sec
total size is 4280991744  speedup is 1.00

real     7:10.65
user     1:08.65
sys      3:18.90

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