Wayne Davison wrote:
On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 08:20:18AM -0600, Rick Romero wrote:
rsync: fork failed in do_recv: Cannot allocate memory (12)

This error is happening on the receiving side, and you seem to have only
mentioned the OS and memory for the sending system (I assume -- you
didn't explicitly say).  Is the receiving system also running cygwin?
What is its version rsync?

Ahhh The receiving side is a fresh install of Debian, kernel 2.6.8-2 with a whopping 256MB of Ram. I have 2Mb 'free', no swap (What the heck did I do there? Watch my confidence start droping drastically :P ) and 5 rsync processes eating about 35Mb each..
The receiving system is running rsync 2.6.4 protocol v29.

Ok, so I'll throw another 256Mb in there asap - I still don't know why just changing the sending side's version of rsync would cause the receiving side to run out of memory..


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