The place for confusion is on the target.  Nothing is renamed on the source.
If the target has more than one file matching RICHED*.cab, however it got there, expect trouble.
For whatever reason,
the temp file was renamed to (on the target),
is exactly where you are running into trouble.
Why is pretty much a guessing game, but is almost certainly outside of any version of rsync.
What would easily explain the symptoms is if you have a file or some such
and that file is open or something decides that that file should not be clobbered.
Out of curiosity, why would you have a file named
That looks like the DOS 8.3 alias for a long file name
It is possible that the first time creates a new -- this goes successfully
It is possible that any later file is the WRONG file
    (Windows (possibly Cygwin) idea of wrong)
(Renaming long files based on Russian Roulette with the DOS 8.3 filenames has to be chancy at best)
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Corey Wirun - personal
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: Rsync fails to rename on Windoze2003

Hi Tony,
I understood.   I thought you were referring to possible confusion between two files on the source - like and getting copied to the target and the 'wrong' file being renamed.  In this case, there's only one file on the source getting copied to the target. 
You would think that if the temp file was renamed to (on the target), that shouldn't cause a problem.  Unless, as you say, it's not yet closed when the rename occurs.  In that case, this appears to be a problem with rsync, is it not?  Especially considering how different 2.6.8 works compared to 2.6.6 (which works 'better').
In any case, I'm going to checksum the source and target.  It does appear that the sync did do something, and that the errors might be noise.
Thanks for the reply.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, 25 June, 2006 10:17
Subject: RE: Rsync fails to rename on Windoze2003

The rename is on the target side, not the source.
If the file is OPEN on the target side, Windows will not let you rename or otherwise mess with it.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Corey Wirun - personal
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: Rsync fails to rename on Windoze2003

Thanks Tony,
The source only has one file:, so my guess is that the short name business isn't what is biting me here.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, 25 June, 2006 07:31
Subject: RE: Rsync fails to rename on Windoze2003

This is mostly wild guesses (with luck you get some more knowledgeable answers)
From what I have observed ...
file of the form  is an rsync temporary of file RICHED~1.CAB
Trying to rename the temporary file to its permanent name, it ran into trouble on the name
The idea is to NOT destroy the older target if the transfer goes south.
Do a DIR cdrom/riched32/RICHED*.cab   and see if it turns up anything.
If you have more than one of them, Windows probably gets it wrong as to which
is and which is
Windows does have a kinda-sorta soft-link with the DOS 8.3 naming.
Anything complicated in the naming and Windows manages to get it wrong at least half the time.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Corey Wirun - Lists
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: Rsync fails to rename on Windoze2003

Some further information:
I went back to 2.6.6 of rsync on the client and server and at least the entire sync completes.  I still get the 'Permission Denied' problem on the rename though.   I had a look at the logs and it appears the rename error is _always_ on a file name with a '.' as the starting character.  e.g.
rsync: rename "MEDIA_2006_LATEST/cdrom/riched32/" (in MEDIA_2006) -> "cdrom/riched32/": Permission denied (13)
total: matches=278531  tag_hits=1689129  false_alarms=123 data="">
sent 80988322 bytes  received 2116535 bytes  72233.69 bytes/sec
total size is 1470681718  speedup is 17.70
rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /home/lapo/packaging/tmp/rsync-2.6.6/main.c(791)
My source tree has no files with a '.' at the beginning.  There was a file '' in the source - don't know why rsync thinks there should be a '.' in front of it on the destination.
So it appears that file permissions to not have a bearing on the problem, but something in rsync is looking for files with a '.' at the beginning.  But why does this only occur at random, not for every file?  Note the 'false alarms' above - does that mean anything?
Does anyone have any further notion why I get these rename errors?
Thanks in Advance!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, 24 June, 2006 14:22
Subject: Rsync fails to rename on Windoze2003

Hi All,
I've seen several variations on this topic, but nothing exactly the same:
I have two Windows 2003 servers that I want to use rsync (2.6.8) to mirror.  These machines are separated by a WAN.
Initial attempts to get rsync working between them have not been successful.  The first rsync went fine, which seeded the files, but the second sync always fails (at a ramdom time) with a
rsync: rename "" (in MEDIA_2006) -> "": Permission denied (13)
On the server, the rsyncd (from cwRsyncd), I initially ran the service as user SvcwRsync (from the installer), then added the user to the Administrators group, then changed the server to run as Administrator, all to no avail.
If it was a perms problem, I wouldn't get _any_ files updated, but this fails on the rename at a random time.
So I changed the rsync client to --inplace and I see (again random):
unexpected tag 3 [sender]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(828) [sender=2.6.8]
I really would prefer to not have to use --inplace to optimize the bandwidth taken up.
Any thoughts on why the rename fails?  I would have thought the owner of the service as local Administrator would be fine!
Thanks in Advance!

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