Hi all,

            I have the following in a cron job   

/usr/bin/rsync -ub --suffix=~$(date +%F) /Data/Jobs/ /Data/Backups/Jobs/ -razv --no-whole-file  --ignore-errors –partial


Problem is that when the command is run on the command line everything works. However, when its in a cron job it fails with the following,


/bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `)'

/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file


Anyone seen this before or able to put some light on the problem?




Jason Cox

System Administrator
Multiskilled Resources Australia Pty Ltd
ph        02 4908 0000 (office)
ph        02 4908 0015 (direct)
mob       0423 600 156
fx        02 4942 4125



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