Chris Nighswonger wrote:
>> What's the ls -la output on the directory where rsync quits??
> # ls -la /mnt/Masada1/dansguardian/lists/blacklists
> total 6
> drw-r--r--  2 masada  bkupagent   512 Nov 28 22:25 .
> drwxr-xr-x  9 masada  bkupagent  2560 Feb 16 10:00 ..

Try setting other rwx and see what happens.

>> I've used
>> rsync many levels deep, and have never heard of this issue. I do
>> notice you're using FreeNAS, could it be an issue with that??
> That is possible. I have searched their lists as well and turned up
> nothing except some seemingly unrelated permissions issues. I would
> think that since the setup works ok 2 or 3 levels it should work on n
> levels ok as well. The error does show up in the rsync log on the
> FreeNAS server.
>> What's the entire
>> rsync command you're using.
>  rsync --verbose --progress --stats --compress --recursive --times
> --links "/etc/dansguardian" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]::Masada1"

Are you trying to run this via cron??

> Note: I have no password set for this user account in an attempt to
> reduce the variables in this problem.
> Thanks for the help Mark.
> Chris

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