I have noticed an anomaly with symbolic links.

umask 027
mkdir folder1
echo 'hello world' > folder1/file1
cd folder1
ln -s file1 softfile1
rsync -a ../folder1/ ../folder2/
ls -lF ../folder*

total 16
-rw-r-----   1 alan  alan  12 Apr 26 00:00 file1
lrwxr-x---   1 alan  alan   5 Apr 26 00:02 softfile1@ -> file1

total 16
-rw-r-----   1 alan  alan  12 Apr 26 00:00 file1
lrwxrwxrwx   1 alan  alan   5 Apr 26 00:03 softfile1@ -> file1

The symbolic link has a new creation time and different permissions.
I am using rsync version 3.0.0cvs  protocol version 30.PR2
The Apple rsync  version 2.6.3  protocol version 28
gives the same result.

Is this a MacOSX quirk that I don't need to worry about.

Yes.  According to
http://lists.apple.com/archives/Darwin-kernel/2006/Dec/msg00054.html ,
Mac OS X (Darwin) does not provide the lchmod and lutimes system calls
necessary to set symlink mtimes and permissions arbitrarily.  Thus,
rsync leaves the second symlink with its default mtime (the current
time) and its default permissions (777 minus rsync's umask, which it
sets to 0).  Some more information about symlink permissions on Mac OS
X is at http://unsanity.org/archives/000463.php .

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