$ cd /tmp
$ echo "123" > aaa
$ echo "123" > bbb
$ ln -s bbb ccc
$ ls -la
ccc -> bbb
$ rsync aaa ccc
$ ls -la

This example shows that symlink ccc was replaced with a regular file,
which implies that during a remote sync the content of the aaa will be
downloaded. However, files aaa and bbb have the same content, so I need
rsync to skip updating the destination file if it is a symlink that
points to a file that is identical to the source file. The rsync
manpage has some stuff about symlinks, but I found only arguments
related to symlinks on source, not on destination. Any hints about
changing rsync behaviour to suit my needs?
I'm using rsync  version 2.6.9  protocol version 29.
Thank you.

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