
I'm trying to determine if rsync is a sure method of backing up servers (Linux 
and Windows) whose files are constantly being accesed and are not able to be 
stoped they're services for backing up purposes... I would use it over ssh for 
making incremental backups... in my tests seem to always have worked backing up 
from a debian server to the copy server that runs debian too...  I'm using the 
next :

OPTS="--force --ignore-errors --delete --backup 
--backup-dir=/home/ramattack/pruebas-rsync/$BACKUPDIRMES/$dia -avz"

rsync $OPTS $BDIR /home/ramattack/pruebas-rsync/$BACKUPDIRMES/imagen-copia

BDIR is source I want to backup and /home/ramattack/pruebas-rsync....... is the 

could this copy correctly opened files? Normally I will use it for backing up 
linux machines normally... and the backup server will be of course a linux 
machine (debian machine). but how does it behave with linux machines?

P.D. I have googled and searched over there but all posts I've find are old... 
and I wanted to have a recent answer.

Thanks a lot mates!!!

Egoitz Aurrekoetxea Aurre

Avda. Txorierri 9, 104
48160 Derio (Vizcaya)
Tel: +34 94 435 54 40
Fax: +34 94 423 38 44

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