To preface, I'm running Leopard OSX and am using rsync version 2.6.9 protocol version 29.

Whenever I attempt to sync (using rsync obviously) a folder on my local drive to my web server ( is my web host) using SSH, the process hangs. I have to force kill it in order to continue using Terminal. I can connect to my server space using SSH just fine by itself, and I ran rsync to sync two folders locally just fine. Is there some special syntax I need to use when using rsync with SSH? I've searched google and the mailing lists, and I didn't find much. I'm fairly inexperienced with Unix, so I believe that I am the culprit of this problem :-)

This is the syntax I'm using:
'rsync -avz /iWeb/test [EMAIL PROTECTED]:TEST'

(I have tested using just '-v' and nothing is displayed)
/iWeb/test is the folder I'm trying to sync to the folder TEST on my web space.

Is this a problem I need to take to my webhost, Or is this an issue with my rsync configuration? Like I said, I know little about unix, so I have a feeling I may have configured something wrong. This is really frustrating me, and help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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