I think the issue is that the flags patch and the crtimes patch are often trying to patch the same lines. For example, line 65-ish in compat.c:

/* These index values are for the file-list's extra-attribute array. */
- int uid_ndx, gid_ndx, acls_ndx, xattrs_ndx, unsort_ndx;
+ int uid_ndx, gid_ndx, fileflags_ndx, acls_ndx, xattrs_ndx, unsort_ndx;

/* These index values are for the file-list's extra-attribute array. */
-int uid_ndx, gid_ndx, acls_ndx, xattrs_ndx, unsort_ndx;
+int uid_ndx, gid_ndx, crtimes_ndx, acls_ndx, xattrs_ndx, unsort_ndx;

The first patch will succeed, the second will fail.


On Feb 3, 2008, at 1:20 AM, Wayne Davison wrote:

On Sat, Feb 02, 2008 at 09:38:20PM -0500, Robert DuToit wrote:
I tried the crtimes patch and it compiles and works but when I tried
to add the flags patch too I came up with this make error.

You apparently missed the patch errors before that. You need to resolve
all the failed hunks from the second patch before trying to run make.
Look for the *.rej files.

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