On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 18:04:48 +0530 "piyush joshi"

> Dear All,
>            I want to exclude some files from the backup server. I got
> this option --delete-excluded but i want to only exclude those files
> which are older than one month from the current date and does not
> exist on server how can i achieve this with the help of rsync. Please
> help me i will be grateful to you.


Perhaps i've misunderstood what you're attempting to do; however, if
you simply want to exclude some files (not delete them), then you
should be using --exclude instead.

As far as the time requirement is concerned, you may wish to consider
generating the file listing ahead of time (using "find", for example),
outputting that list to a text file, then feeding the list to rsync via
--exclude-from=FILENAME .

In this way, you can exlude any number of files in any fashion you

Daniel Maher <dma AT witbe.net>

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