Hmmm, so the problem seem to appear on all files who have resource fork, both files with or without data fork. Following those constats I would say that more generally, this version makes all resource fork files disappear from Finder... So, DON'T USE IT FOR BACKUP by now, only for development test. A working stable version will be available soon...

Thanks for this test Rob, it proves that it's a general issue, and not only for 0-size data fork.


Le 16 févr. 08 à 14:29, Robert DuToit a écrit :

Hi Vitorio,
 I did test with missing mailtest.scpt file

dialup-4:~ astrid$ ls -la /volumes/Space/Users/robertdutoit/Desktop/ rrr/xxx/mailtest.scpt -rw-r--r--@ 1 astrid staff 10150 Dec 16 10:34 /volumes/Space/ Users/robertdutoit/Desktop/rrr/xxx/mailtest.scpt

dialup-4:~ astrid$ ls -la /volumes/Space/Users/robertdutoit/Desktop/ rrr/xxx/mailtest.scpt/rsrc -rw-r--r-- 1 astrid staff 356 Dec 16 10:34 /volumes/Space/Users/ robertdutoit/Desktop/rrr/xxx/mailtest.scpt/rsrc

That,s what I get.  It is there but not visible in finder. Rob

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