Thanks Wayne and everybody,
This is a huge boost to have a modern rsync for OSX. We're all grateful. Rob D

PS I did notice that we lost the bsd flags test in 3.0. It was ok in pre10.... thanks again

Verifying:    basic-permissions ... ok
Verifying:           timestamps ...
   Sub-test:    modification time ... ok
Verifying:             symlinks ... ok
Verifying:    symlink-ownership ... ok
Verifying:            hardlinks ... ok
Verifying:       resource-forks ... ok
Verifying:         finder-flags ... ok
Verifying:         finder-locks ... ok
Verifying:        creation-date ... ok
Verifying:            bsd-flags ... FAIL
Verifying:       extended-attrs ...
   Sub-test:             on files ... ok
   Sub-test:       on directories ... ok
   Sub-test:          on symlinks ... ok
Verifying: access-control-lists ...
   Sub-test:             on files ... ok
   Sub-test:              on dirs ... ok
Verifying:                 fifo ... FAIL
Verifying:              devices ... FAIL
Verifying:          combo-tests ...
   Sub-test:  xattrs + rsrc forks ... ok
   Sub-test:     lots of metadata ... ok

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