On Tue, 2008-03-18 at 11:51 -0700, Wayne Davison wrote:
> The latest version in the git repository has thwarted my attempts at
> receiving or sending files inside an excluded directory.

With "exclude = /secret" in the configuration file, I can still pull the
contents of a daemon-excluded directory like this:

rsync-dev -r -vi rsync://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3141/module/./secret/ download/

And like this:

rsync-dev -r -vi --files-from=<(echo secret/) --no-R rsync://[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:3141/module/ download/

BTW, what is the purpose of leaving the path truncated in
"filter_server_path"?  This makes it possible to distinguish between a
nonexistent and daemon-excluded dir /secret by trying to pull /secret/X/
and seeing whether the path in the error message is truncated.


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