On Mar 31, 2008, at 10:14 PM, Wayne Davison wrote:
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 09:54:16AM -0400, Robert DuToit wrote:
we tried adding option iconv=C and iconv=C,C  but no luck

oddly this is what was returned when he ran "locale" on his machine-it didn't specify a locale or charset:

xserve-backup-02:/Volumes/Backup RAID 8TB teleclub$ locale

but I found this for German-Swiss in my "locale -a" list:


so we are not sure which charset to use with iconv=.

 ISO8859-1 or ISO8859-15 or UTF-8?

That would appear to be a request for rsync to not do any character
conversion, in which case you shouldn't be using --iconv.

When using the --iconv option, you should describe the character set
that the files are in on the disk on both the sender and the receiver.

[rsync] re-copies [e]very file with an umlaute.

Are you using (or implying) the -t (--times) option? (Use the -i option
to see if the copy is due to time changes or something else.)  What do
you mean by "re-copies"?

when he runs rsync again, it creates a new copy of the files (with umlautes) even though they aren't changed. He said the mod times are the same on sender and receiver.

Are you talking about copying the file away
and back again, which creates an extra copy of the file on the source
machine under a slightly different name? If so, perhaps that character
cannot be converted to UTF-8 and back without changing in the process.

If you're talking about a single direction, make sure you've specified
the right character set for each machine. Also make sure that the file
wasn't copied before with the wrong character set, since the new file
might be the right one.

Yeah- he ran it many times and it always copies over the umlaute files. I'll experiment with the de_CH charsets above though. Thanks, Rob


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