On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 12:18 +0200, Fabian Cenedese wrote:
> At 10:37 22.04.2008 +0100, Joao F

>  ask rsync to be slower ?!?
> How do you call rsync? 

rsync -av --delete --perms --acls ...

> Do you use zipping?

I don't explicitlly ask for it ?
What's the default behaviour ? to use zipping or not ?

>  What are the used machines
> (CPU type/freq)?

it's a Via C6 @ 1G Hz

>  We had the case that rsyncing to a NAS was not that
> fast because the used CPU couldn't hold up. Another reason might be
> the used rsync protocol, what rsync version do you use?

we're using 3.0.0


> bye  Fabi

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