Phil Vandry wrote:
On Tue, 9 Sep 2008 07:49:06 -0700, Wayne Davison wrote:
Sorry for the slow reply -- I marked your message for more in-depth
study, and failed to get back to it until now.

That's OK, I've done worse :-(


 - It creates a single (potentially really big) directory of files on
   the receiver for the byinode/* files.
[others deleted]

Indeed, it more or less assumes you have a filesystem which handles this
well. Your other observations are also quite correct.

I had been thinking of extending the db patch to add the ability to
track files by checksum in a database.  This would allow a run that used
the DB to be an efficient checksum run (reading the checksums from the
DB, not slowly generating them) and look up matching checksums in the DB
I missed the first part of the discussion, and I may be off-base, but you may want to look at unison and how it handles its database.

Where rsync is stateless, unison is stateful. You're talking about making rsync stateful.


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