On Wed, 2008-09-24 at 13:00 +1000, James Robertson wrote:
> I tried this but it doesn't seem to work for me as you describe.  I just 
> created a test setup.  The commands I'm running are as follows:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# rsync --version
> rsync  version 2.6.9  protocol version 29
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls /tmp/source/
> Thursday2008-09-11.bkf  Tuesday2008-09-09.bkf  Wednesday2008-09-10.bkf
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls -t1 /tmp/source | head -n 1 > /tmp/BACKUPFILE
> Thursday2008-09-11.bkf
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# rsync -ah --delete --numeric-ids --stats 
> --delete-excluded -include-from=/tmp/BACKUPFILE --exclude='*' 
> /tmp/source/ /tmp/destination/
> .d..t...... ./
> Number of files: 1
> Number of files transferred: 0
> Total file size: 0 bytes
> Total transferred file size: 0 bytes
> Literal data: 0 bytes
> Matched data: 0 bytes
> File list size: 20
> File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
> File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
> Total bytes sent: 42
> Total bytes received: 26
> sent 42 bytes  received 26 bytes  136.00 bytes/sec
> total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls /tmp/destination/

The -include-from=/tmp/BACKUPFILE is short a dash, causing it to be
parsed as -i -n -c -l -u -d --rsh=-from=/tmp/BACKUPFILE .  Change it to
--include-from=/tmp/BACKUPFILE .


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