Administrator wrote:

Number of files: 2
Number of files transferred: 1
Total file size: 584742598 bytes
Total transferred file size: 584742598 bytes
Literal data: 584742598 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 118
File list generation time: 0.002 seconds
File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 584814160
Total bytes received: 48
sent 584814160 bytes received 48 bytes 15595045.55 bytes/sec total size is 584742598

This looks to me as though it is transferring the entire file as the
sent bytes is 584814160 and I am now confused as it should have only
transferred the changes in the zip file, although it does say that it
only received 48 bytes.

Am I reading this wrong?

Thanks for your help.

Locally used rsync will default to -W which causes whole files to be transferred (if they differ - also check -c option if mtime and size are not reliable in your case). But it still distinguishes between client and server - the stats are for the client - which "sent" 584814160 bytes in one direction, but "received" only 48 from the server.

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