On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Michal Soltys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
>> Hi
>> I do rsync -avz oldUnicelFiles hostB:/home/kaushal
>> --exclude-from=exclude.txt
>> but it rsynced  the excluded files too
>> my exclude.txt file contains
>> ####################
>> /home/kaushal/oldUnicelFiles/*.gz
>> /home/kaushal/oldUnicelFiles/*.txt
>> ####################
>> Any ideas as what am i doing wrong
> From rsync perspective, root of file transfers in your case would be
> /home/kaushal , not / . So ...
> /oldUnicelFiles/*.gz
> /oldUnicelFiles/*.txt
> ... should do the thing.
> If you used 'oldUnicelFiles/' instead of 'oldUnicelFiles' in rsync
> invocation, the root would be /home/kaushal/oldUnicelFiles/ .
> A note of warning if you plan on doing deletions in the future:
> rsync -avz --del oldUnicelFiles hostB:/home/kaushal
> ... would remove all files not existing on sending side, in
> hostB:/home/kaushal/oldUnicelFiles/
> ...but:
> rsync -avz --del oldUnicelFiles/ hostB:/home/kaushal
> ...would do the same in hostB:/home/kaushal/
> Both of the above would also protect already existing files on the
> receiving side, that match patterns in exclude.txt .
> Be sure to read carefully rsync's man.

Thanks a Lot

I want only .sql files to be rsynced to the destination host.

when i do rsync -avz oldUnicelFiles hostB:/home/kaushal
it rsync all the files under oldUnicelFiles, I mean even .gz and .txt files

~/oldUnicelFiles $ ls
01-07-2008_LOG.txt.gz  01-08-2008_LOG.txt  02-09-2008_LOG.txt.sql
~/oldUnicelFiles $

cat include.txt

am i missing something

Thanks and Regards

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