On Thu, 2008-12-04 at 16:50 -0500, Shawn Geraghty wrote:
> I'm having an issue with rsync in that it recently (11/29/2008)  
> started to crash during a daily cron job backup.  Below is some info  
> on how rsync is being used to backup our servers.
> Version:
>       2.6.9

Please try the latest stable version of rsync, 3.0.4, if at all

> Execution:
>       Called daily via a wrapper script, and up until about 2 weeks ago,  
> ran fine.  The wrapper script just loops through a series servers to  
> backup.  The first server succeeds but the second fails.    
> Interesting, this server that does the backing up, is actually backed  
> up by another server, which is not having any issues (leads me to  
> believe that this is not an ssh connection issue).

I'm not clear on how you reached this conclusion.

> Command Used:
>       rsync -vvv -a -e "ssh -i /etc/backup/some_id.rsa" --delete --numeric- 
> ids --exclude-from=/etc/backup/exclude_list --log-file=/usr/local/bin/ 
> I've added the -vvv and --log-file options while trying to debug this  
> issue.
> Issue:
>       rsync runs for while, but then it freezes up.  Sits in this state for  
> about 15 minutes until the connection is closed (I'm guessing ssh is  
> timing out due to inactivity).

Please send the last 50 lines or so of the strace of each of the three
rsync processes (one on the sending side and the other two on the
receiving side) so we can see how they are hanging.

> Server B:
> 2008/12/03 16:08:35 [26912] sender finished //var/log/httpd/ 
> ssl_request_log.4
> 2008/12/03 16:08:35 [26912] send_files(145596,//var/log/httpd/stage- 
> rewrite_log)
> 2008/12/03 16:08:35 [26912] send_files mapped //var/log/httpd/stage- 
> rewrite_log of size 38039011
> 2008/12/03 16:08:35 [26912] recv_files(var/log/httpd/stage-rewrite_log)
> 2008/12/03 16:08:35 [26912] calling match_sums //var/log/httpd/stage- 
> rewrite_log
> 2008/12/03 16:25:24 [26912] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed  
> (218901485 bytes received so far) [receiver]
> 2008/12/03 16:25:24 [26912] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data  
> stream (code 12) at io.c(453) [receiver=2.6.9]
> 2008/12/03 16:25:24 [26912] _exit_cleanup(code=12, file=io.c,  
> line=453): about to call exit(12)
> 2008/12/03 16:25:24 [26910] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed  
> (2929535 bytes received so far) [generator]
> 2008/12/03 16:25:24 [26910] rsync error: unexplained error (code 255)  
> at io.c(453) [generator=2.6.9]
> 2008/12/03 16:25:24 [26910] _exit_cleanup(code=12, file=io.c,  
> line=453): about to call exit(255)

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