On 4-Mar-2009, at 06:45, Paul Slootman wrote:
On Wed 04 Mar 2009, David de Lama wrote:
I tested what happens with a file which is saved at a FAT32 partition and then this partition is converted to NTFS. So first I transfered the file with rsync from the FAT32 partition to my Linux /home folder. Then I converted the FAT32 partition to NTFS. After the convertation I transfered the file again to see what has changed (amount of data). I was surprised!!!! Nothing has changed!!! rsync only transfered the checksums.

Why are you surprised?
Did you expect the underlying filesystem conversion to corrupt all the
files? (Which would sort of defeat the purpose of in-place conversion of
the filesystem...)

With a change to NTFS I wouldn't expect any change. However, a change FROM NTFS might produce some change as metadata could be lost. Transferring from a richer FS to ... ah, more limited FS can certainly do that.

Clark's Law: Sufficiently advanced cluelessness is
        indistinguishable from malice
Clark Slaw: Anything that has been severely damaged or destroyed
        by application of Clark's Law

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