Good day,

I have been doing some tests with rsync on windows (client) to backup to a linux server.

I started out with cwrsync, but ran into the dreaded "File name too long (91)" error. Apparently due to an issue with the cygwin portion of it. So I was then testing with a newer version of cygwin (1.7 beta) as the long file name issue was resolved.

In testing that with some large files (PST in this case), rsync seems to take over the whole file, and not just the differences.

my command i used was:

rsync -av --chmod u+wrx "/cygdrive/c//Documents and Settings/User/ Desktop" "/cygdrive/z/clients/User

This was just a local sync.

Curious what ppeople are using for rsync on Windows with long file name support.

And also curious as to why rsync wuld pull over the whole PST file again.



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