On Tue, 2009-05-05 at 01:08 +0530, Jignesh Shah wrote:
> I think I got it. The line in rsync 2.6.7 "wrote 130 bytes  read 464
> bytes 108.00 bytes/sec" is changed to "2009/05/05 00:17:45 [26050]
> sent 130 bytes  received 464 bytes  108.00 bytes/sec" in rsync 3.0.5.
> Please let me know if I am correct.

That particular change was made long before 2.6.7:


$ git name-rev 4de2a1740983244221d66b22b983c36a174e3100
4de2a1740983244221d66b22b983c36a174e3100 tags/v2.6.3pre1~59

The only thing I see different between rsync 2.6.7 and 3.0.5 is that
3.0.5 puts thousand separators in the numbers:

sent 3,089 bytes  received 285 bytes  6,748.00 bytes/sec
total size is 2,138  speedup is 0.63

You can disable that with --no-human-readable .


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