
We have a box here connected to an antenna receiving rather large amounts of metheorological data from a satellite. the data is received and ransferred to another box and removed from the receiving server. I first thought of using rsync for this, but it seems --remove-source- files has no way of checking if the file is open or not, so if the receiving process is still writing to a file, rsync will transfer the file and unlink() it without bothering if the file has been modified any further, effectively resulting in a corrupt file. I solved this with a rather clumsy script doing md5sums for fils at both ends and checking if I have the exact same file at both sides some time after transfer. this works, but it's not really optimal.

Does anyone know if rsync could be better on this somehow?

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685 / 98013356
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