On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 12:09 AM, Daniel.Li<daniel...@usish.com> wrote:

> I think multi-client can improve performance, but limit is the same as
> above.

I don't think I understand! Can I start more than one "rsync --daemon"
instances then?

> What kind of performance you are concerning, network/cpu/ram/disk
> IO ....?

cpu/ram/disk in this  case I guess. I don't know if I can change much
about my network!

>> I have 4 cores available
> It seems good :)

But how can I make rsync use all 4 cores? :)

> Rsync can backup only differs. I think you can use this feature.

I think that's what it does by default. Isn't that the whole point behind rsync?

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